दैनंदिन वर्णनात्मक आकारीक नोंदी - इंग्रजी भाषा विषय नोंदी

Rajan garud



दैनंदिन निरीक्षण नोंदी


इंग्रजी विषय नोंदी

Solves the Activity by confience 

Copies the Letters and words correctly

Reads aloud from textbook 

Writes correctly on one line 

Listens with concentration 

Reads the poem in rhythm

Reads and act accordingly 

Reads the part in dialougs by understanding 

Writes the answer of questions 

Takes part in language game 

Reads silently by understanding 

Recites with enjoyment poems and songs 

Gives responses in various contexts

identifies commonly used words 

Rearranges the story events 

Enjoys the rhythm and understand 

Takes the dictation of familiar words 

Reads english daily newspape


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